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The SSA will begin to hold a series of Song Camps throughout FL. (3-4 per year.) The main mission of these camps is to unite together other musicians and songwriters in a casual camping like environment. When we put on the large city festivals its hard to be able to sit down and get to know the festival participants being we are so busy taking care of the events tasks at hand. These camps are designed to do just the opposite. We want them to basically require no work at all other then what you would have to do to prepare for a night of camping out at a park or campground. We simply want to be able to sit back and relax and get to spend some good quality time with other songwriters and musicians. 

The first song camp that was originally scheduled at THE FARM in Ormond Beach, FL on Saturday3/15/25 has been canceled due to renovation being done on the property. We are now looking into another location to be held sometime after Delandapalooza.

If you are an SSA member (performed at an SSA event or are scheduled to perform at an upcoming SSA event)
and would like to attend the camp email your request HERE  and we will keep you posted on where and when the 1st camp will be held at at.

We greatly look forward to seeing you at the camp!!!

If you have any further questions send  email HERE 


Songwriters Showcases of America
Copyright 2000-2025